Gambling Vs Investing Christian

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For either investing or gambling, the beginning of Murkco’s definition is the same: An activity in which money is put at risk for the purpose of making a profit. But while the purpose of gambling and investing is identical, the methods by which the purposes are achieved are drastically different. From my perspective investing can be distinguished from gambling – which includes playing the lottery – in at least four primary ways. First, an investment involves taking an economically necessary risk. For example, when a farmer has a crop in the field, someone must bear the risk of a potential decline in the price for that crop.


Christians often wonder, is it gambling to trade in the stock market? The truth is, if you look at any business activity, there is risk involved. Some people may call stock trading a gamble, but it is a risk rather than a gamble.

  • Thank you for your e-mail and question about the differences between gambling and investing. There are a number of Christian authors who have addressed this issue (Norm Geisler, Tony Evans, Gary North, etc.). Briefly let me say that there are some similarities, and there are people who get addicted to high risk investing just like gambling.
  • Christians often wonder, is it gambling to trade in the stock market? The truth is, if you look at any business activity, there is risk involved. Some people may call stock trading a gamble, but it is a risk rather than a gamble.

If you don't have any skill sets, it is a gamble. If you learn skill sets on how to properly trade in the stock market, like the big boys in Wall Street do, you increase your success, and it is business rather than gambling. It does have risk, like all business does, but it also can have the potential for great return.

In the Bible, in the Parable of the Talents, God teaches that He loves educated risk. Jesus talks about three individuals that a wealthy man gave his money to; they were supposed to be good stewards of it. Two of them took risks, and by taking the risk, they doubled the money. The third one was fearful. He didn't have skill sets, and he buried the money, which made no interest. In the end, the first two were rewarded greatly, and the third one was punished.

Trading is not gambling when you understand how the stock market works. We'll teach you those skill sets at TRADEway.

Christians often wonder, is it gambling to trade in the stock market? The truth is, if you look at any business activity, there is risk involved. Some people may call stock trading a gamble, but it is a risk rather than a gamble.

If you don't have any skill sets, it is a gamble. If you learn skill sets on how to properly trade in the stock market, like the big boys in Wall Street do, you increase your success, and it is business rather than gambling. It does have risk, like all business does, but it also can have the potential for great return.

Gambling Vs Investing Christian Colleges

In the Bible, in the Parable of the Talents, God teaches that He loves educated risk. Jesus talks about three individuals that a wealthy man gave his money to; they were supposed to be good stewards of it. Two of them took risks, and by taking the risk, they doubled the money. The third one was fearful. He didn't have skill sets, and he buried the money, which made no interest. In the end, the first two were rewarded greatly, and the third one was punished.

Gambling Vs Investing Christian Apologetics

Trading is not gambling when you understand how the stock market works. We'll teach you those skill sets at TRADEway.

Gambling Vs Investing Christian Beliefs